Delphinium Delphinium Delgenius Kingsley
Delphinium Delphinium Delgenius Kingsley

Delphinium Delgenius Kingsley, 3L

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The wonderful spires of Delphinium Delgenius Kingsley will transform your garden with their deep purple flowers, marked with a white eye, towering above a mound of delicate, deeply lobed green leaves. Delphiniums are a staple for any cottage garden, providing both height and colour to the border whilst attracting precious bees.


Delphiniums need a lot of space to breathe and dislike too much shade and strong winds. Flowers can be cut for a vase, or dried to make pretty confetti.

  • Flowers: May- July
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • East, south or West aspects
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered
  • Like to have sun for half the day
  • Flowers may require staking
  • Remove dead flowers and once the first flush of flowering is over, cut plant back to side shoots to encourage second flowering
  • Wear gloves when handling - toxic if ingested